
Dynamic displays capture attention

Digital Signage

Digital advertising displays enable a fast and easy way to present advertisements, announcements, and guidance exactly when and where they are needed.

The content on dynamic display surfaces can be text, images, videos, or sound. Content can be remotely controlled over the network, making updating and usage of the displays easy. Content can also be scheduled.

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What is Digital Signage and where is it used?

Digital Signage (Online Display) is a versatile display device used for digital advertising. These digital displays can be used for internal communication within a company's premises or for content marketing, customer guidance, and streamlining customer interactions in public spaces.

Digital display solutions are suitable for indoor environments such as stores and office spaces, as well as in shopping malls and along roadsides. They can also be used as dynamic information displays in transportation hubs like train stations and airports.

Monipuolinen näyttölaite

Change messages quickly with remote management

Remote-manageable displays ensure that you can quickly display the most important messages. Frequently changing content ensures that your displays attract attention. Keep schedules, prices, or menus always up-to-date and clearly visible with digital displays. You can schedule content changes at your desired times through remote management.

Benefit from digital displays also in events and transportation terminals. With digital displays, your customers can easily find the information they are looking for, or the displays can guide people in the right direction within crowds.

Digital displays enable the use of signage texts in multiple languages or for different target groups. If there are sudden changes in events or transportation, such as revised schedules, information displays can be quickly updated via remote management.

Digital Signage

What should be considered when purchasing a Digital Signage solution?

Digital Signage can be a highly beneficial investment when its capabilities are fully leveraged. The devices are user-friendly, and their visual appearance can be changed if needed.

Always start by assessing your content needs and the location where the solution will be deployed.

pay attention on these:

  • What type of messages do you need to display on the screens?
  • Is the display intended for indoor or outdoor use?
  • Do you need features like sound and moving visuals?
  • Who will be responsible for content maintenance and how often will updates be needed?
  • Who will handle the ongoing maintenance and servicing of the displays?
  • Do you require a simple standalone display or one that integrates with your company's branding and the architecture of the space?
Ask us fo more

What kind of solutions does Imagon provide?

While we don't manufacture displays ourselves, we use displays from renowned quality suppliers. Our expertise lies in creating tailored enclosures or casings for these displays. We can also integrate our solutions with existing displays, building enclosures around them.

Additionally, we provide various pylons manufactured by Imagon, designed to accommodate the displays. For all our Digital Signage solutions, we offer different lighting elements. You can change the ambiance and guide by altering the lighting colors. Take advantage of moving images and bold graphics on the displays.

We are here to help you customize integrated Digital Signage solutions that match your company's or product's identity. With almost thirty years of experience in designing and domestically manufacturing customized signs and enclosures, we have the expertise to meet your specific needs.

räätälöidyt kotelot, digital signage

Manufacturing Digital Signage solutions at Imagon

We always customize our solutions based on individual customer requirements and determine together which brand of LED display will be used for each project.

We use environmentally friendly and recycled materials for crafting the enclosures. The casing structure is constructed from aluminium profiles and sheet metal. We install the display devices on-site but of course allow the customer to handle the installation themselves, according to their preference.

All our Digital Signage solutions are custom-made. The size of the displays can vary, ranging from small price displays to large advertising pylons.

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Projektiosaamista ja asennuskokemusta

Teemme mainonnan toteutuksen helpoksi


Järkevästi suunniteltu on paremmin tehty. Helpotamme työtäsi ja vastaamme kysymyksiisi nopeasti.

Autamme tuotekehityksessä, mitoituskuvissa, ilmeen toteutuksessa ja teknisissä kysymyksissä. Speksaa meille tarvitsemasi ratkaisu tai suunnitellaan se yhdessä. 


Varmista rakennusprojektin onnistuminen ottamalla meidät mukaan jo projektisi tarjousvaiheessa.

Suunnittelutiimimme opastaa, kuinka mainospaikat kannattaa suunnitella kiinteistöön. Saat meiltä joko avaimet käteen -palvelun tai toimitamme tuotteet itse asennettavaksi. Opastamme myös kiinnitysratkaisuissa.


Asiakkaitamme ovat mm. kauppakeskukset, hotelli- ja ravintolaketjut, liikenneasemat sekä ruoka- ja erikoistavarakaupan ketjut.

Hyödynnä pitkää kokemustamme monimutkaistenkin projektien läpiviennistä useassa maassa samaan aikaan.

Julkiset tilat

Olemme olleet mukana mittavissa liikennehankkeissa useassa maassa. Autamme julkisten tilojen opasteiden ja viranomaiskylttien suunnittelussa, tuotannossa ja asennuksessa.

Tuotekehityksemme ja projektijohtomme auttavat sinua miettimään toimivimmat ratkaisut.


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